Lifeline CPR
Site Map
Contact LifeLine CPR
Health provider (BLS)
First Aid
CPR & First Aid
CPR/First Aid/AED
Pediatric First Aid & CPR
Bloodborne Pathogen
Family & Friends CPR
First Aid for Children
Course Cost
Training Calendar
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Class Fee's

Training Fee's

Course Cost:

Thank you for your interest in the Lifeline CPR safety trainings.  We offer a variety of safety topics that can be tailored to meet individual or group needs.  At Lifeline CPR our students health and safety is immensely important, to ensure all trainings are germ-free ALL equipment is cleaned and sanitized before and after ALL trainings.   


Health provider BLS:

©       Health provider (BLS)           $65 Initial 

©       Health provider BLS Renewal  $60 (must hold current card)


©       CPR           $60 - $70

©       First Aid      $60     

©       CPR, First Aid, and AED     $75 - $95


©       Pediatric First Aid and CPR              $95   

©       Pediatric First Aid, CPR, and AED    $95

Family & Friends (participation card):

©       CPR                       $25

©       First Aid for Children                        $25


©       Bloodborne Pathogen           $30



Lifeline CPR   


5424 Truman Drive

Fort Worth, TX 76114         



The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and

proficiency in BLS, ACLS, and PALS and has developed instructional

materials for this purpose.  Use of these materials in an educational course

does not represent course sponsorship by the American Heart Association.

Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for

AHA course material, do not represent income to the Association.